E-Journal of Psychotherapy Research
Matteo Selvini, Editor
Interview with Anna Maria Sorrentino - The Seven Doors of Systemic Therapy

Editor’s note: The original conversation has been edited for grammatical clarity.
Interview with Anna Maria Sorrentino, coauthor together with Stefano Cirillo and Matteo Selvini of Entrare in terapia: Le sette porte della terapia sistemica [Going into therapy: The Seven Doors of Systemic Therapy], Published by Raffaello Cortina.
Interviewers: Annina Renk, Claudia Tapparelli, Sabrina Scardua and Piera Serra
Psycho-nutritional approach for Celiac Disease associated with Type 1 Diabetes and Binge Eating Disorder: a case report
Antonella Santoro1*, Marzio Stefano Fragale2, Francesca Valente2 and Achiropita Curti2,3
We present a case of a patient with Celiac Disease (CD) associated with Type 1 Diabetes and strongly complicated by Binge Eating Disorder (BED), accompanied by anxiety and depression. We successfully treated this patient with appropriate and concerted nutritional intervention and psycho-educational therapy.
Psychotherapy days of childhood and adolescence
Family therapy and family therapy methods have been developed and spread successfully in Germany since the 1970s. They have their roots in different scientific disciplines, including psychoanalysis, communication psychology, systems theory and constructivism, to name just a few. The present talk will focus on whether a family therapy approach can be useful in child and adolescent psychotherapy and psychiatry and if so, how it can be professionally developed and expanded for use as an effective and successful treatment.
To explore this, it makes sense to begin with the question of etiology of these disorders and discuss models that focus on the dynamic and functional aspects of symptom development, instead of those of a purely nosological perspective.
The request for psychological help in the digital age: offering counseling through chat and video counseling
Sara Gabri, Luca Mazzucchelli, Davide Algeri
Distance psychological counseling is becoming a phenomenon of increasing relevance. The following study aims to understand the characterization of the users of such online services. In particular, data taken from the online help desks on Facebook and Skype provided by the Italian Service for Online Psychology (Servizio Italiano di Psicologia Online [SIPO]). Data regarding 2013 logins through two channels were analyzed, keeping the results which emerged differentiated. The questionnaires administered online to users whom had requested a consultation indicate how different and peculiar the two instruments are and how each reaches different targets. Behind a substantial difference in its users and in the content treated by the two channels, there is however a common element: the awareness and trust with which the subjects turn to the online psychologist, witnessed also by the motivation to begin psychotherapy following the encounter with the professional psychologist online.
The sky in a room: an experience of peer supervision among systemic therapists
Pasqua Teora, Maria E.Castiglioni, Donatella Carnaccini, Pamela Meda
The article describes and conceptualizes an experience of peer supervision that has been carried out since 2002 by four senior colleagues specializing in systemic-relational therapy, all of whom come from a supervision group which was directed until his death in 2002 by Gianfranco Cecchin, co-founder of the Centro Milanese di Terapia della Famiglia.
Albert Pesso interviewed by Piera Serra

Editor’s note: The original conversation has been edited for grammatical clarity.
The first question is, what are the most important aspects of PBSP method?
There’re so many of them. Of course the body, and how to access the information in the body in a way that the client is understanding and aware of it. The reason we look at the information in the body is because we’re concerned whether people have had, in their history, sufficient satisfaction of maturational needs. We believe that we are seeing the world through the lens of memory, of history, and if we haven’t had our basic needs met, we’re going to repeat that dysfunction in the present and in the future. So we track how they are perceiving the present, look for the historical base for that, find the history that hadn’t been satisfying and then make a new memory; but we are making a new memory by being in access with their emotional self and not their cognitive self. I’m making a new memory, getting in touch with their emotional self by what’s in their body and then having them imprint a new memory, as if it had happened in the past, so it isn’t just happening in the present. That’s a very fast condensation of the basic aspects of the work.
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