Pasqua Teora

I am the head and founder of the Centro Psicologica e Cambiamento in Bergamo; I am a psychologist and psychotherapist using the relational systemic approach, integrated with the T. A. model (Transactional Analysis). For about thirty years I have been conducting personal development groups, doing counseling and individual, couple and family psychotherapy. I deal with the care of psychosomatic disorders related to traumas arising in childhood or adulthood. In the business sphere I assist in guiding the complex processes of changeover between generations in family businesses. I conduct a supervision group; I write articles in journals and contribute to websites and the publications of colleagues. In November 2013 I founded and created Spazio Colibrì-Atelier Terre-sorelle: concerning psycho-motor and limb-therapy integration.

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  • Editorial Board


    Matteo Selvini, Scuola di Psicoterapia della famiglia Mara Selvini Palazzoli, Milano

    Scientific Editors

    Grazia Attili, Sapienza Università, Roma

    Alfredo Canevaro, American Family Therapy Academy, Buenos Aires

    Juan Luis Linares, Università Autònoma, Barcellona

    Marco Vannotti, Cerfasy (Centre de Recherches Familiales et Systémiques), Neuchâtel